Our Programs

Icthus provides training and encouragement to pastors, youth leaders, and parents. There are four core programs for young people and one for parents:

1. Icthus Pecesitos is for children ages 4 to 6. Pecesitos means “little fish” which is appropriate since Icthus means fish in Greek and this is the youngest Icthus program. This program is based on 12 foundational values which are each related to the jewels in the foundations of heaven described in Revelation 21:19.

2. Icthus Heroes is for children ages 7 to 9. This program, based on 7 heroes and values of the Old Testament such as the faith of Abraham.

3. Icthus Legion is for the intermediate age – 10 to 13. This was the very first program we developed and is based on the Armor of God explained in Ephesians 6:10-17.

4. Icthus Youth is for young people ages 14 to 17. This program is based on the seven names that Jesus used to identified Himself in the book of John: I am … The Bread of Life, The Light of the World, The Gate for the Sheep, The Good Shepherd, The Resurrection and the Life, The Way, The Truth and the Life, The True Vine

5. Icthus Shalom for Parents is a program to help parents learn how to provide a better home environment for nurturing their children. The program is based around small group discussions and mutual support. It includes modules such as “Discipline with Love and Limits” and “The Growing Marriage” and “Sexual Education in the Home”.

6. Guide Training provides training and leadership development for Icthus guides, most of whom are older youth and young adults. This helps to motivate them in their personal lives and to learn fun ways for guiding kids.

Starting a group

If you or someone you know would like to start any of these Icthus groups in your church, school, or neighborhood, do not hesitate to contact us, or contact the national Icthus director in your country.

We will gladly help you get the materials and training you need to successfully minister to young people with Icthus!